Out of the Abundance of Your Heart
Imagine for a moment, that you were to wake up tomorrow morning only to find that the…
Teachability Is Essential to Living in His Presence
Have you ever met someone who thought that they had it all together? So confident, that after…
Developing a Culture of Honor
If you place value on honor, in time, your thinking and behavior will change. If you are waiting…
How to Stay Focused When Distracted
In 2009, Pixar released the animated classic, Up!. One of the most memorable parts of the movie…
Whoever Follows Me . . .
Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will…
Living in the Land of Comparison
Every man wants to be significant. He wants to matter. He wants to be somebody, to leave…
Exhaling the Breath of God Births Life
7 then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his…
The More You Chew
In the late 1970’s and early 80’s, there was a commercial on TV that claimed that their…
Grazing on the Word like a Cow
Did you know that a cow will spend about six and a half hours eating each day?…